
We produce the highest quality custom window treatments with cutting-edge technology and timeless craftsmanship.
Over 40 years ago, a husband and wife, Ron and D'Ann Anderson, started a company making pinch-pleated draperies with six people and sewing machines in the basement of the old bowling alley. In Blackduck, Minnesota, 200 miles north of Minneapolis, Anderson Fabrics has become the largest custom workroom in the United States; with nearly 140,000 square feet of manufacturing floor space and nearly 300 talented and dedicated employees. Their workroom has produced custom window treatments, such as draperies and shades, as well as bedding, headboards, pillows, cushions, and much more.
Now part of The Shade Store family of companies, they have been the workroom-of-choice for many of the most prominent and influential designers and decorators in the United States. From Presidents to professional athletes, Anderson Fabrics has produced innovative and unique products to meet the needs of any residential or commercial application.